IPL Photofacial

IPL Photofacial

Are you ready to reverse years of sun damage and aging while achieving a brighter, more evenly toned complexion with no downtime? It’s time to discover the dramatic complexion improvements of an IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacial  at Elite Aesthetics Med Spa.  The gold standard for improving uneven skin tone and small veins, the IPL photofacial is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that stimulates your skin with intense pulses of light, triggering skin renewal from deep within for a wide range of complexion improvements with little to no downtime.

Clinically proven photofacials help improve:

  • Age spots, brown spots, sunspots
  • Redness
  • Rosacea
  • Dullness
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Broken capillaries
  • Small veins
  • Bruises
  • Freckles
  • Pore size
  • Elasticity and other signs of aging

How does IPL work to improve skin?

IPL uses light energy impulse that reaches down to the second layer of the skin (dermis) without harming the first layer (epidermis).  The light energy is transferred using a hand-held device by trained professionals.  As this light passes through the uppermost layers of the skin, penetrating into the structures below its surface, it is absorbed by pigmentation and blood vessels, effectively shrinking and breaking them up. Over time, these damaged structures are flushed from the body completely, leaving you with more evenly toned, radiant skin. In addition to breaking up uneven pigmentation, new collagen and elastin is stimulated renewing the skin from deep within and revealing smoother, younger-looking skin that glows.

Is there any downtime with a photofacial?

Since photofacials do not break the skin, there is no downtime associated with this procedure.

What can I expect from treatment?

There will be little to no discomfort with the procedure and it is not unusual to notice your dark spots becoming darker over the first few days.  Your skin may become flaky or scabbed in certain spots and will resolve within 7-10 days.   

How long is a photofacial treatment?

Each session is relatively fast, typically taking 30 minutes.

Are there any side effects with photofacials?

Redness, swelling and flaking afterward are common; these symptoms typically subside within two days of treatment.

What you should know?

IPL can be used anywhere on the body; however, it is not recommended for those who get sick, raised keloid scars, or have darker skin tones.  

How to prepare for the treatment?

You skin should not be exposed to direct sun for a few weeks.  Tanning beds, waxing, chemical peels, collagen injections, drugs that increase bleeding risk (aspirin, ibuprofen), and products that contain Vitamin A such as RetinA or glycolic acid should also be completely avoided.  

When can I see results with my photofacial?

Results can usually be seen within a week of the first treatment, with the best results appearing a few weeks after the completion of your treatment course.   It is recommended to receive 4-6 treatments schedule 3-4 weeks apart to achieve maximal results.  


Call us today for your free IPL consultation and start your journey towards beautiful skin!