Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty/Nose Job

Do you want a nose job without having surgery?

The Non-Surgical Nose Job procedure also known as the Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty, Injection Rhinoplasty and the “15 Minute Nose Job” was developed in 2002 and has been perfected over the past decade. The procedure is performed after topical numbing has been applied to the patient. The entire procedure after numbing takes approximately 15 minutes and consists of re-shaping and contouring the nose with injectable semi-permanent dermal layers.

The Non-Surgical Nose Job has become a popular alternative for many who seek to correct mild to moderate nasal imperfections without having to undergo the cost, pain, and recovery of traditional Surgical Rhinoplasty. It is ideal for individuals with a variety of aesthetic complaints including crooked nose, depressions, small bridge, sharp angles, unattractive tip, bumps and hooks. By correcting these imperfections with FDA approved dermal fillers your nose will become smaller, more symmetric, and attractive in just a few minutes.

A nose surgery – also known as rhinoplasty or a ‘nose job’ – is the procedure used to change the shape from proportion of the nose. It is used to define or minimize certain characteristics, such as a nasal tip, the width of the bridge, nasally symmetry, or humps and depressions visible along the nose profile. These traits are often a result of genetics. However, some individuals may require nose surgery to correct misshapen noses caused by injury or facial trauma as well as to correct structural abnormalities that may be obstructing the breathing.

Did you know…

That unlike most other types of cosmetic procedures, the results of a nose surgery can take as long as a year or more to become fully refined? Immediately following the procedure, patients experience swelling that lasts several months. Even after swelling subsides, the cartilage will continue to evolve and take on a more permanent shape over time.

Unlike a surgical rhinoplasty which has significant recovery and downtime , a non-surgical rhinoplasty is performed in our med spa and completed within minutes. There is no pain associated with the procedure as we provide topical numbing cream prior to your treatment.   There is no downtime from the procedure and clients are able to return to their normal activities within 72 hours. 

You can immediately enjoy the results of the non-surgical rhinoplasty after  treatment  and watch the results continue to improve over the next few weeks. 

Our experienced practitioners will provide you with a complimentary consultation to see if you are a candidate for a Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty.   Schedule your appointment today at 908-393-2576