Venus Freeze

Have you been looking for a non-surgical way to get rid of fat and tighten skin?

Venus Freeze is considered the best non-invasive FDA approved modality to reduce fat and cellulite and tighten the skin of the face and body. It utilizes heat and Multi Polar Radiofrequency to stimulate elastin and collagen production.
Each treatment session takes approximately 25-30 minutes and is non-painful. There is no downtime and no preparation needed. Because this utilizes Radiofrequency, skin color and sun exposure are not an issue.
Venus Freeze has become the most desired treatment by celebrities and patients worldwide.

Venus Freeze and Venus Legacy are designed to contour the body and tighten the skin without pain, incisions or downtime. This non-invasive technology combines radiofrequency and magnetic waves to help release excess body fat and stimulate the skin to produce new collagen and elastin. The result is a reduction in cellulite, less body fat and skin that has a more youthful appearance. Venus Freeze and Venus Legacy treatments are available to treat nearly any ‘problem’ area of the body. Both men and women visit our office to minimize fat and tighten skin in the arms, thighs, buttocks, abdomen and even the neck and face.

Did you know…

That Venus treatments are not only painless, but also relaxing? Most people who get Venus Freeze or Legacy treatments do so for their aesthetic benefits, only to be surprised by how therapeutic the experience can be. In fact, many people find the sessions to be very relaxing – similar to a hot-stone massage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a candidate for Venus Legacy and Venus Freeze treatments?

You may be eligible for Venus Legacy or Venus Freeze treatments if you are unhappy with loose skin, cellulite or excess fat on your body. Most adults with these make excellent candidates. Schedule a consultation with our office to determine which treatment – Venus Legacy or Venus Freeze – is right for you.

What should I expect during a Venus treatment?

Venus treatments are performed chairside from the comfort of our office. The treatments are painless though you may feel some warmth during the process. Depending on the area you are having treated, your session could take approximately half an hour to 40 minutes. There is no down time associated with Venus Freeze and Venus Legacy, and most people can return to work or other usual activity immediately after a session.

How long does it take to see results from Venus treatments?

The amount of time it takes to see visible results will depend on the area of your body being treated and whether you are undergoing Venus Freeze or Venus Legacy treatments. Venus Freeze results usually begin to appear after a minimum of 3 sessions, as opposed to Venus Legacy results which may be noticeable after just 1 session. However, both treatments require a series of sessions – usually between 6 and 10 – to achieve optimal results. Additional Venus treatments may be necessary periodically to maintain results.